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Tag! You're It! Help us Spread the Word about K12Online07
3 Reasons Meme
Time for a new wiki meme to help us spread the word about the upcoming K12Online07 conference. Please "tag" three or more people with the address of this wiki: Include things you hope to gain from the experience this year.
Here's what my tag looks like.
You write up the three things you hope to gain from the conference.
Tag! You're It! Help us Spread the Word about K12Online07
3 Reasons Meme
Time for a new wiki meme to help us spread the word about the upcoming K12Online07 conference. Please "tag" three or more people with the address of this wiki: Include three things you hope to gain from the experience this year.
I am newly arrived to the potential of Web 2.0 for K12 learning. Among other things, I hope to gain...
1) Lasting relationships,
2) Tools for new learning to share, and
3) Intellectual stimulation to savor!!!
I tag:
Massachusetts Superintendents and Assistant Superintendents
MASCD Board of Directors
ASCD Leadership Council Members
ASCD Affiliate Presidents and Executive Directors
Falmouth MA Public Schools Instructional Leadership
And anyone else who would like to help us spread the word... tag you are it.
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October 2, 2007
October 1, 2007
On September 25, 2007 the Falmouth School Committee approved the District Strategic Plan we have been working on for 15 months. Each principal is developing the school's School Improvement Plan with his/her School Council, Leadership Team, faculty, staff, parents and students. We will present them to the school committee in November 2007.
Falmouth Public Schools Strategic Plan
September 17, 2007
ASCD LEAP Conference 2007, Washington, D.C.
Video: When I grow up....
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2007 PKD/Gallup Poll of US Public Attitudes Toward Public Schools Take Aways
Percentage of Americans who...
believe that NCLB is not helping their local schools 75%
prefer that school effectiveness be measured by improvement in school achievement. 80%
believe that NCLB's focus on reading and mathematics has reduced instructional time on other subjects. 50%
believe that all children should become proficient in a second language. 90%
believe that the best way to measure a school's performance is using the percentage of students passing the test. 13%
believe that the best way to measure a school's performance is using student improvement. 85%
Percentage of Americans, aged 18-29, who...
embrase charter schools. 74%
Percentage of American public school parents who...
give the schools their children attend an A and B. 70%
August 30, 2007
Massachussets Readiness Project
August 29, 2007
Here are related documents and links:
August 27, 2007
Darren Kuropatwa Twittered me last night and suggested I give some advice to a colleague who is resuming teaching. He is now in his 40s and will be teaching high school math.
On his
website he has already received suggestions from other teachers so that is where I begin.
New Teacher
Well, I guess I want to share some insights about teaching that will help ease your jitters and help you connect with your students in a way that makes them fully engage with math. Here's my problem. In 1970 I was feeling what you are feeling. I haven't taught students since 1986.
This is my 38th year in education. I went from being an English teacher to a department head to a district administrator in a variety of different forms. For the past two year I have been a superintendent of seven schools, 4000 students and over 650 staff members.
So, how can I be helpful? If I had more time today I would reread, cut and paste from the above comments a "top ten list" of suggestions, and pass them onto you as options you can select from to add to your teaching repertoire. I suspect you may have done that on your own, but I can tell you I think there are a lot gems in the comments. In 1970, without the technology, I didn’t have access to these suggestions.
What I can add to what you have received from other teachers is my observation that being genuine and honest and sincere with your students is at the core of what they tell us they need in a teacher. Also, ASCD is advocating a whole child initiative (WCI) that reminds me of my teaching in 1970. I worked in So. Boston and many of my students were poor. I wanted them to be safe, healthy and supported, three of ASCD’s five WCI themes. I also wanted them to be challenged (WCI #4). What I struggled with was engaging them in the challenging material. (WCI #5) See
Now I realize that engaging students in learning is at the heart of successful teaching. Stephanie Pace Marshall has written a book called The Power to Transform that I read this summer. The book is the answer to how to engage students. Marshall's approach is very unique and, in my opinion, what I needed to know in 1970 to make my teaching the best it could have been. I offer it to you as a suggestion that will be mind changing and will help guide your teaching in a way I hope all teachers experience. The answer to # 5 begins with the question about what we and our children have lost:
· A sense of personal identity, meaning and purpose.
· A passion for learning.
· A sense of wholeness, connectedness, and relatedness to the natural world and to one another. A deep awareness that we are part of something bigger, more mysterious, wondrous, and more transcendent than ourselves.
· An understanding that we must bring all the ways we uniquely come to know into learning – the analytical and the intuitive, the objective and the experiential, the scientific and the aesthetic, the linear and the spiritual.
· The compassionate use of knowledge and a global concern for human and community prosperity and moral action in the world.
· A commitment to ecological sustainability and the embrace of nature as a sacred and healing dimension of our lives.
· The capacity for silence and solitude.
· The intimate connection and collaboration of your and elders around shared purpose.
· The confidence to challenge current reality and create new possibilities. pp. 11-12
They have to learn these things and you must learn to create the conditions in your classroom and school that will enable that to happen. I hope you will read the book. It won't give you prescriptions on how to teach, but it will help provide you a means for discovering your moral compass rooted in the natural world that will lead you and the students that will follow you into a generative world of learning and schooling. To transform their minds and the world they will inherit, you have to change the story of their learning. Change the story and you change the map; change the map and you change the landscape; change the landscape and you change their choices; change their choices and you change their minds. Mind shaping is world shaping. (Stephanie Pace Marshall, The Power to Transform)
Regards, and as GK would say, “Be well, do good work, and stay in touch"
August 17, 2007
The New England site of the Center for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence, COSEE-NE, is housed in Woods Hole, a village of Falmouth, Massachusetts. They do incredible work with teachers who want to learn and teach about the ocean. In NEwswave, their August 17, 2007 newsletter, there is an interview with Paul Craddock, "a PhD student in the MIT/WHOI Joint Program in Marine Chemistry, [who] is using his research to help create an area for kids to learn about the sea floor on the educational site Whyville. His work with Whyville is funded by COSEE-NE. Recently [COSEE-NE] spoke with him about his research, the Whyville project, and what inspired him to get involved with kids and education."
Whyville "is a virtual world where tweens from all over the real world come to chat, play, learn, and have fun together. You design your face, earn clams by playing games, hang out at the beach, and go to town events at the Greek Theater. You can even start your own business, buy a car and give your friends a ride, write for the town newspaper, or run for a seat in the Whyville Senate."
Paul Craddock has a lot of interesting comments in his interview.
What is your research about?
My research focus is to understand the evolution and formation of mineral [metal sulfide] deposits at seafloor hydrothermal vent systems; to understand the controls and conditions of why certain metal deposits form. I have been very fortunate to go to sea for research, taking my own mineral deposit and fluid samples from active hydrothermal vents. In the laboratory I carry out geochemical and isotopic analyses of the minerals and of the fluids, and use trace element geochemical signatures and metal distributions within the deposits to infer how they formed.
What got you interested in doing education outreach? I have been very fortunate, have had a good education, and know that learning and knowledge is powerful. I have been afforded a lot of educational opportunities and wish to repay those opportunities. Plus I want to communicate the importance and excitement of many aspects of oceanographic research to a broad audience. I want to be able to take my science and put it in a real world context.
How did you know what steps to take?
WHOI and MIT are very proactive and engaged in holding events to highlight extracurricular activities. I went to a couple of workshops - Communicating Ocean Science [developed by COSEE-California] and Scientific Inquiry in the K-12 Classroom [a COSEE-NE sponsored program] – that inspired me to get involved with education.
What made you want to work with Whyville in particular?
The idea and philosophy of Whyville really appealed to me. I am able to put my research into a framework where kids can access it. My research is very difficult – not to mention hazardous – to take into a classroom. My samples are often toxic and are rich in harmful metals such as arsenic and cadmium; some are even radioactive. The best, and safest, way to communicate my research is via the internet.
What does your Whyville project cover?
I am working with the Whyville directors to put together a virtual world of marine hydrothermal systems that the children can actively explore. I really like the Whyville ethos where children are encouraged to learn for themselves and actively participate in educational activities, rather than just being “spoon-fed” information. My goal is to get kids actively involved in the Virtual Vent project and then have enough information and activities there to keep them occupied!
What phase is the project in now?
I’m putting together a database of all known hydrothermal vent systems around the world – where and how large they are, what kinds of deposits exist there, what are the known fluid temperatures and fluid chemistries and what are the biological distributions, from microbial to macro fauna. There are about 100 discovered vent sites thus far and about 500 known unique species of fauna at these systems. I’m about three-quarters of the way through the database. We hope to have the site up by the end of the year.
How will kids use the Whyville hydrothermal vent site?
The vision for the project is to get kids to go to the WhOI area of Whyville and enter into the Deep Sea laboratory. They will gather background information about hydrothermal vent systems and can then go out to sea on a virtual oceanographic cruise, to explore and examine hydrothermal vent systems and to document and monitor the biological and chemical aspects of these systems. We will start by putting up 20 percent of the sites and add new ones each month. We will incorporate educational games and activities, such as maintaining vent biological habitats, and actual video footage from real vent sites.
Are there future outcomes from your Whyville work? When I’m done with my PhD, having an education component will be helpful for funding. I want to feel actively involved in having a more broad-reaching impact – I know a broad-reaching component to my research work is possible. In the future I’d like to continue to have an advisory role, perhaps leading some online forums and discussions about oceanographic and environmental science.
What’s the benefit of transforming your research into something like Whyville?
It’s a way to expand the impact of ocean sciences within the public community. If this works, then there will be ample opportunity for other research projects on Whyville, similar to the Harmful Algal Bloom research site that’s already active and extremely popular with children. Kids on Whyville are keen to learn!
How will your outreach impact the future? I would love children (and adults!) to understand more about the role and importance of the ocean in many aspects of our lives. I hope my outreach can encourage other scientists to become involved in extracurricular education. Kids love to talk with scientists and it would really open people’s eyes to what we do!
August 10, 2007
A visit to David Warlick's blog, 2¢ Worth, introduced me to a National School Boards Association report on online social - and educational - networking. I read the report to say that the world is changing because new internet based applications are available for adults and students to use in mundane and creative ways. School leaders need to look beyond the fear of what might happen to a student on the internet to the potential these applications like social networking applications have to stimulate thinking and learning. The report's findings indicate that students are using these tools, often for educational purposes. We need to become more familiar with these applications by using them as another vehicle for learning in the professional communities we participate in or can create in the future.
The report's recommendations are worth considering:
Explore social networking sites
Consider using social networking for staff communications and professional development
Find ways to harness the educational value of social networking
Ensure equitable access
Pay attention to nonconformists
Reexamine social networking policies
Encourage social networking companies to increase educational value
[tags: social networking, web 2.0, teaching, learning, instruction]
August 2, 2007
I attended a presentation on Global Warming last night and took my lap top along. In the past I would have taken notes for myself to use as I saw fit. Last night I thought of the teachers I am working with on Global Climate Change and decided to share some thoughts with them through a blog: Global Climate Change. Here is the post.
Global Warming: What's Going on Here and What do I do about it?
Although I had to leave early, I attended the first hour of John Bullard's presentation at S.E.A. Education Association on August 1, 2007 and found it very informative. He is a dynamic speaker who presented the information so we would have a better understanding of how the global climate is changing. Ultimately, as Bullard pointed out, it is up to each individual to decide if we observe what Al Gore, John Bullard and thousands of other scientists observe and conclude for ourselves how the planet is changing and how we will teach students about it. The presentation was adapted from Al Gore's film and book, An inconvenient Truth, and although I have seen the film twice, own the book and listened to the update Gore gives in the special features of the DVD version, I was still intrigued by how well documented the global climate change is that Mr. Bullard explained so well.
Below I list some questions that Bullard answered for me. Thank you Mr. Bullard for helping me to understand this complicated issue.
What have we been doing to the atmosphere?
How have temperature changed over the last 150 yrs, over the last 1000 yrs?
How has CO2 changed during the same time period?
What is the relationship between temperature and CO2?
How are the changes temperature and CO2over time related?
How do we know what the temperature and CO2 levels were 600,000 years ago?
Is it important to save the earth?
What are the implications of the increased level of CO2?
What causes the urgency? Can’t we wait a hundred or more years to do something?
What is the consequence of higher temperatures for humans?
How are glaciers retreating?
Why are glaciers important?
How does temperature increase change weather events?
Are the number or intensity of hurricanes related to global warming (GW)?
What does it take for us to understand the seriousness of what is happening to the climate?
Why do some people deny the inconvenient truth of GW?
Are the duration of storms influenced by GW?
What is the significance of Katrina to the story of GW?
How will GW affect drinking water?
How will the “breadbasket” of America be affected by GW?
What ocean habitats will be affected by GW?
How much adaptation will be necessary in the future because of past emissions?
What area of the United States will be affected first and when?
How will Polar Regions be affected by GW?
How will ocean currents be affected by GW?
How is heat equalized across the globe by the ocean?
What do scientists think happened when Hudson Bay water spilled into the ocean?
How is Antarctica being affected by GW?
Why should we be worried if sections of Antarctica break off and slide into the ocean?
What does a month on the Larsen Ice Shelf teach us?
What can cause serious sea level rise?
Why should pools of water in Greenland cause us concern?
How will increased evaporation affect the climate?
You are an artful soul.
PS My wife and grandson and I talk about how we learned during the week. I plan to share this photo in the same way with them.
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